Place Branding and Place Marketing: English Readers

Place Branding and Place Marketing: English Readers

My website is only in French, but you could find in this section some articles / materials in English to download.

1. Define your key economic advantages with the Cerise Revait Method

 My first article deals with the Cerise Revait (c) Method. Cerise Revait® (fourth version) uses an updated understanding of the territory to deliver a real grasp of its competitive advantages in the light of alternative offers in the designated sphere of competition.

Download the presentation (PPT).

2. How to build a marketing plan for Cities / Regions  / Destinations ?

I've published a book in french which describes my method. In this book, you can find the process of building an operational plan of Place Marketing and Branding. I suggest to follow 10 steps grouped into five sequences:

The overall territorial marketing approach: three sequences and ten steps

Source: V. Gollain, "Réussir sa démarche de marketing territorial. Méthode, techniques et bonnes pratiques", Territorial Editions, 2017.


3. Territorial brands in France in December 2020 ((c) Vincent Gollain)


4. More in English





























Download (a complete section focus on marketing)

Publié dans markterr, English

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